Maria Nicanor

misfit toy

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Follow Me

30 maio 2012

All I know is that, I want to be his friend. Get to know him a little better, and maybe hold his hand.
1 ♣


28 maio 2012

Odeio lamechisses, nha nha nhas e coisa e tal. Sou anti demonstrações românticas de primeira categoria e os elogios incomodam-me de certa maneira. Já experimentaram tentar fazer os outros rir? É o melhor remédio para mim.. E bem, lá porque eu deixo a minha parte sentimental fluir na escrita não quer dizer que eu goste de andar com ela. Deixo-a aqui, guardada, para quando precisar dela, e saio de casa com a estupidez e a parvoíce, assim tal mãe com os filhos pelas mãos.
2 ♣


26 maio 2012

E hoje, pela primeira vez em tanto tempo falei contigo como se te tivesse perdoado. O coração não doía, as borboletas estavam quietinhas e as pernas bambas, eram apenas serenidade e calma. E dei por mim a pensar  que talvez, só talvez, o ínicio do fim já tenha começado.
5 ♣


23 maio 2012

You want me to love you. 
And I do.

Now want me not to love you.
Please. I must not need to.

2 ♣


16 maio 2012

Oh amor, não vás ainda, a avenida ainda é longa e o frio arrepia os ossos dos mais friorentos. Oh amor, não vás ainda, sou pedra na calçada que pisas amargamente quando te afastas. Oh amor, fica, fica só mais um pouquinho, fica até já não conseguires ir embora! Oh amor, não vás ainda.
3 ♣


10 maio 2012

«Is it me? Am I the reason people always leave? Am I the reason all these things keep happening to me?
Maybe I'm just destined to be alone.»

I'm tired, tired because I loved you. You were my brother, the only who cared enough to put all those wall down and get to me not wanting anything in return. The one that faced demons with me and the one that was by my side when the boy I loved made me cry, when she passed away or even when he left me by myself. But like all of them you are leaving me, at first it was really slowly, so slowly I couldn't even notice, but now you are not trying to be discreet. And you know the funny part in this shit you are making? You are just like them, you run away when things get hard!
I'm sorry that I can't be the friend you hoped me to be.. I will never tell you this, but I really miss you!
And yes, I'm broken up, deep inside.. but you won't get to see the tears I cry.
2 ♣


06 maio 2012

The only thing I know, right now,  is that I still love you and you are still the best thing I never had.
But he.. he makes me remember that innocence and brings back a time when pain was far, far away. I wish he could make me feel the way you do without a word.. But he can't, no one can. I try, I really do, but my heart is stronger than me, you are stronger than me.
2 ♣


04 maio 2012

«..I can't picture anyone having a crush on me. I can't picture anyone smiling like a fool just because we are talking. Or someone thinking about me before they fall asleep. I mean, like.. Why would they even do that? I'm just me. Nothing extraordinary,or special.. I'm just another piece of the puzzle..»
4 ♣
